In this unique, bilingual coloring book, Berlin Divided – Berlin United, author Bibi LeBlanc shares her own personal story of growing up in West Berlin during the Cold War. The wall running through the middle of her hometown was part of her everyday reality. She recounts visiting family in East-Berlin, and how she experienced the fall of the Berlin Wall.
In diesem zweisprachigen Malbuch, Berlin Geteilt – Berlin Vereint, erzählt Autorin Bibi LeBlanc ihre persönliche Geschichte vom Aufwachsen in West-Berlin in der Zeit des Kalten Krieges, Besuchen in Ost-Berlin, und wie sie den Mauerfall erlebt hat.
A letter from Bibi LeBlanc, Berliner and creator of Culture to Color
"Ich bin ein Berliner!" – “I am a Berliner”
Thank you for choosing this Berlin coloring book! With Berlin Divided – Berlin United I would like to show you the beautiful sights of Berlin as well as tell you a story about its not-so-distant past: Berlin during the Cold War and what it was like to live in a city divided by a wall. I grew up in West Berlin. This is my personal story.
Let me take you back a few years …
World War II ended in 1945. Germany was divided into four zones of occupation by the winning allied forces, the U.S., France, England and the Soviet Union.
The capital, Berlin, was in the Soviet zone and also divided: West Berlin (U.S., English and French sectors) and East Berlin (Soviet sector). Construction of the Berlin Wall started the night of August 13, 1961 because at that point thousands of people were leaving the Soviet sector every day to escape communist oppression. The next morning, many Berlin residents found themselves cut off from work, school, family and friends…
Find out the rest of the story in our book, Berlin Divided - Berlin United.
Number of pages: 94 S.
Size: 21.6cm × 27.9cm
Cover: Softcover
Language: English / German
ISBN: 978-1-7337985-1-8, 9781733798518